Graypes Video Tutorials

Graypes marketing department is proposing the introduction of a set of educational videos on various specific topics related to the usability and user experience.

The duration of those video tutorials is proposed to be of a maximum of 3 minutes, primarily focusing on specific features and how the Graypes users can benefit from using them

While we have a clear view of the messages we would like to transfer to our users, we would appreciate your feedback, on the real needs for a better tutorial and educational course of our product.

Your feedback matters

At Graypes we count our users' feedback, not only because they will experience our platform at large, but also because they will provide the missing or improved real needs.

Our users also can identify with precision our platform services and features that need a better explanation or modified user experience.

For those reasons, while Graypes being in Alpha-1 Release, we do create the basic tutorial videos, but also during the next weeks, after the user experience of our early adopters, we will issue a set of questions, helping our marketing department to create the correct short video tutorials.

Thank you in advance and enjoy our platform!


John from Switzerland, just updated the Elevator Pitch.