Rating and Funding,
using algorithms and AI!

Graypes rates businesses and uncovers potential investments, using algorithms and Artificial Intelligence.

Graypes is a "Fast-Track-to-Investment" mechanism. With 1-2-3 simple steps your business is evaluated, promoted, funded.

Did you know that startups fail by:

42%, when they don't serve a market need
29%, due to cash shortage
19%, once outcompeted

Graypes is built on AI to tackle all the above issues and helps Innovators

1. Complete your Pitch in hours

Every innovator can assess his business by simply filling a set of fields related to his overall business model.

This is the Elevator Pitch and can be completed in a few hours.

Some of the main fields of the Elevator Pitch include the Real Opportunity, the Value Proposition, the Market Description, the Innovation of the business solution.

Once the Elevator Pitch is fully completed, the innovator can Submit his business with just a click away.

Read the Knowledge section for more details on Graypes "EPIC" funding module.

2. Get a Rating in 1 day

After the submission of the Elevator Pitch, the Graypes evaluation engine start to rate the overall business model.

A few minutes later, the rating is completed in a fully automated way.

Graypes module "EPIC" is the automated mechanism, based on a set of proprietary algorithms, that reads a business description and Rates it.

The Rate value indicates the innovation, realism, and fundability level of the particular business.

This way Graypes uses machine learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to drastically reduce the time and cost of business evaluation.

Read the Knowledge section for more details on Graypes "EPIC" funding module.

3. Visible to Investors in 2 weeks

Graypes network and EPIC mechanism, make available any top rated business to the Graypes group of Investors.

In a matter of days, the innovators' businesses are visible at the investors' Graypes dashboard!

The Strategy Plan of the top rated businesses, is visible to all the Investors in the Graypes network. They can read it and have direct contact with the Innovator, through the Graypes network service.

This way, Graypes accelerates the fundraising time from months to weeks.

Read the Knowledge section for more details on Graypes "EPIC" funding module.

4. Get Funded in 3 months

Once the Innovators' Ideas' are visible to the Graypes network of Investors, the investment process can speed up to weeks.

Investors can now start the funding process sooner than ever, having a clear view of Innovators and their Ideas.

Read the Knowledge section for more details on Graypes "EPIC" funding module.

5. Receive Mentoring from day one!

Graypes provides unique online courses through the Graypes University.

This service encourages and educates anyone on how to transform his innovative vision into a profitable business.

Every time a Business is evaluated by the Graypes "EPIC" module, the Graypes University engine, named "GURU" is engaged; for those businesses rated below the success threshold, "GURU" provides links to educational resources, helping the creator to improve the weak parts of his business concept.

Read the Knowledge section for more details on Graypes "GURU" Mentoring and Education Resources engine.

Did you know that the VC world is challenging:

95% of VCs aren’t profitable
75% of VC-backed startups fail
Investing is Guessing

Graypes is built on AI to tackle all the above issues and helps Investors

1. Register for FREE

Our platform gives to Investors access to curated opportunities, already polished at high market standards.

Top quality disruptive businesses, their Plans and Teams are visible to our Investors, for FREE!

Investors have full access to all Graypes services, like the top businesses dashboard, network and community, news, and innovation search, without paying any fee and any stage.

Investors just pay the Success Investment Fee for the signed investment on an Innovator's Idea. Read the Graypes Partnership section for more details.

Read also the Knowledge section for more details on Graypes "EPIC" funding module.

2. Board of Investment Opportunities

Graypes provides the EPIC dashboard, the service that Investors access the top rated Strategy Plans.

A free toolkit for any Investor, uncovering top investment opportunities!

The investors can search for their preferable Strategy Plans, filtering the EPIC database, according to the technology area, the business sector, the requested funds, the country of origin of the Innovator, etc.

Read the Knowledge section for more details on Graypes "EPIC" funding module.

3. Contact Directly Innovators

Graypes provides a simple and straightforward way for Investors to reach top businesses.

But also a simple search of the competent teams and founders, behind those top businesses.

Once the investor reaches the preferable Strategy Plans, he can contact directly the Innovators that own the business of interest.

Read the Knowledge section for more details on Graypes "EPIC" funding module.

4. Fund your opportunities

Graypes provides a direct and simplified method for Investors to invest in top businesses.

Investors can now start the funding process sooner than ever, having a clear view of Innovators and their Ideas.

Once the Investor finds the preferable Strategy Plans, he can contact directly the Innovators that own the businesses of interest. From this moment a direct funding negotiation starts between the Investor and the Innovators' Team.

Read the Knowledge section for more details on Graypes "EPIC" funding module.

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John from Switzerland, just updated the Elevator Pitch.