
Who are the Innovators that benefit from Graypes

Alternative Thinkers with Innovative Ideas

Graypes is the ideal platform for innovators, inventors, alternative thinkers, people with entrepreneurial ideas and new propositions. People that think different and out of the box, can benefit from Graypes' toolset of services.

Ambitious Startups

Innovative teams with novel ideas and challenging business propositions; agile groups starting the ambitious and adventurous journey of a new start; those are also the perfect audience of Graypes.

Vigorous Entrepreneurs

Graypes is the perfect companion for business people with innovative ventures, aiming to expand their existing business model and customer base through continuous development, innovation, and affiliations.

Small or Medium Innovative Companies

Business and Technology Innovation originates to a great extent from already established agile small or medium companies. Company teams of 50 to 100 people have the tendency and possibility to adapt to the new and change their business and technology towards innovation.

Big Corporations with Research and Development Departments

We believe that innovation can flourish everywhere. Big corporations with strong research and development departments can use the Graypes toolsets, network, and services.

Pain of Innovators

Why most ideas and startups FAIL?

Unclear market need

Startups fail when they are not solving a market problem. When they tackl interesting problems, but without a real market need and no customers really interested in the proposed business model.

42% of startups fail when they don't serve a market need

See how Graypes provides Solutions for Innovators


Almost one third of failing startups claim that running out of money contributed to failure, while another 13% struggled to get financing. Cash is king for startups. Even a successful business model will fail without proper cash flow.

29% of startups fail due to cash shortage

See how Graypes provides Solutions for Innovators


Startups fail when they are not able to manage the competition needs. Once an idea gets hot or gets market validation, there may be many entrants in a space. And while obsessing over the competitors is not creative, ignoring them was also a recipe for failure in 19% of the startup unsuccessful cases.

19% of startups fail when they get outcompeted

See how Graypes provides Solutions for Innovators

Solutions for Innovators

Built for the global Innovators community


Graypes brings together innovators and investors with a unique methodology and approach. Top business ideas and the innovative team are directly exposed to the global investment and funding community.

easy access to global fertilizing funds

See how it works here at the Knowledge section

B2B Partnership

Through Graypes open networking, innovators can build business relations and B2B (Business To Business) affiliations with other Graypes community members.

True B2B Networking, partnership and affiliation

See how it works here at the Knowledge section

Knowledge Search Engine

Innovators get answers to business and innovation related questions, with a textual layout similar to a business plan

search engine with content and meaning

See how it works here at the Knowledge section

News Aggregator

The most globally updated news aggregator on innovation, science and funding.

News around the globe with targeted content

See how it works here at the Knowledge section


Graypes University service encourages and educates anyone on how to transform his innovative vision to a profitable business.

Unique online courses on business and innovation for anyone

See how it works here at the Knowledge section


Who are the Researchers that benefit from Graypes


The institutions with traditional and high quality scientific innovation are the Universities. Top ranked universities can benefit from Graypes unique services.

Research and Development Institutes

Institutes with applied and basic research programs can get an evaluation of their innovation and networking for business development of the ideas and potential products.


Nowadays, from early educational levels, children are introduced to the notion of innovation. Innovation in education can look like lots of things, like incorporating new technology or teaching methods, going on field trips, rejecting social norms, partnering with the local community. But primarily innovation has to do with a different approach to existing or new needs.


Either in primary schools or universities, students from the entire globe are the perfect users of Graypes services in order to evaluate their ideas and connect for funding and affiliations. .

Professors and Teachers

University professors and Schools Teachers can benefit from Graypes services on networking, business evaluation or business search engine..

Solutions for Researchers

Built for the global Researchers community


Graypes brings together innovation researchers and investors with a unique methodology and approach. Top business ideas and the innovative team are directly exposed to the global investment and funding community.

easy access to global fertilizing funds

See how it works here at the Knowledge section

B2B Partnership

Through Graypes open networking, innovation researchers can build business relations and B2B (Business To Business) affiliations with other Graypes community members.

True B2B Networking, partnership and affiliation

See how it works here at the Knowledge section

Knowledge Search Engine

Innovation researchers get answers to their ideas in a more business oriented manner, with a textual layout similar to a business plan

search engine with content and meaning

See how it works here at the Knowledge section

News Aggregator

The most globally updated news aggregator on innovation, science and funding.

News around the globe with targeted content

See how it works here at the Knowledge section


Graypes University service encourages and educates anyone on how to transform his innovative vision to a profitable business.

Unique online courses on business and innovation for anyone

See how it works here at the Knowledge section


Who are the Investors that benefit from Graypes

Private and Family Funds

Private and Family funds help to simplify complex financial arrangements and consolidate family wealth while satisfying the needs of a diverse group of every family member. Graypes can help on a focused and profitable investment on winning business ideas and competitive teams.

Venture Capitals

Venture capital (VC) providing financing that is provided by firms or funds to small, early-stage, emerging firms that are deemed to have high growth potential, in exchange for equity, or an ownership stake.

Angel Investors

An angel investor is an affluent individual with investment experience, who provides capital for a business start-up listed in Graypes, usually in exchange for ownership equity. A small but increasing number of angel investors invest online through equity crowdfunding. Primarily they organize themselves into angel groups or angel networks to share research and pool their investment capital, as well as to provide advice to their portfolio companies. Now it's the time to use Graypes as the main investment platform!

Equity Funds

Funds with the objective of a long-term growth through capital gains, can use Graypes platform, as a primary assesment tool for their investments.

Funds Managers

A fund manager is responsible for implementing a fund's investing strategy and managing its portfolio trading activities. A fund can be managed by one person, by two people as co-managers, or by a team of three or more people.

Fund consultants

Responsible to design and propose investment strategies, with strong business acumen and risk-taking profile.

Wealthy Individuals

Individual wealthy people that would like to invest part of their cash on promising ideas and teams.

Pain of Investors

Why do most investments FAIL?


A VC fund needs a 3x return to achieve a "venture rate of return" and be considered a good investment. Studies and reports show that only a small 5% is profitable, while the other 95% are juggling somewhere between breaking even and downright losing money!

95% of VCs aren’t profitable

See how Graypes provides Solutions for Investors


When it comes to venture capital, maybe you shouldn't believe the hype. The failure rate is far higher than industry reported failure rates, which range from 20% to 30%. The National Venture Capital Association, for instance, estimates that only 25% to 30% of venture-backed start-up fail completely.

75% of Venture-backed Start-ups Fail

See how Graypes provides Solutions for Investors

Evaluating Ideas

Investors biggest challenge is the lack of a solid and quantitative methodology for evaluating business ideas and teams. Most of the times investors spend time and resources on guessing rather than valuing.

Investing is Guessing

See how Graypes provides Solutions for Investors

Solutions for Investors

Built for the global Investors community

Funding Opportunities

Graypes brings together innovators and investors with a unique methodology and approach. Top business ideas and the innovative team are directly exposed to the global investment and funding community. Investors take a reduced risk of financing Graypes evaluated start-ups, since the start-ups and their business idea have already passed the demanding Graypes evaluation methodology.

easy access to high-rated business funding opportunities

See how it works here at the Knowledge section

Business Evaluation

Graypes EPIC business and ideas evaluation platform can become the "de facto" trusted assesment mechanism. Investors can upload a Business Plan from their pool of ideas and get an evaluation using Graypes AI engine.

trusted engine for ideas and businesses evaluation

See how it works here at the Knowledge section

B2B Partnership

Through Graypes open networking, investors can build business relations and B2B (Business To Business) affiliations with other Graypes community members.

True B2B Networking, partnership and affiliation

See how it works here at the Knowledge section

Knowledge Search Engine

Investors get answers to business and innovation related questions, with a textual layout similar to a business plan

search engine with content and meaning

See how it works here at the Knowledge section

News Aggregator

The most globally updated news aggregator on innovation, science and funding.

News around the globe with targeted content

See how it works here at the Knowledge section


Who are the Consultants that benefit from Graypes

Technology Experts

Highly skilled professionals who have a prolonged or intense experience through practice and education in a particular field. Widely recognized as a reliable source of technique or skill. Professionals with extensive knowledge or ability based on research, experience, or occupation and in a particular area of study. For the current stage of Graypes those particular areas are Info-tech, Bio-tech, Energy, HR-tech.

Business Developers

Business developers entail tasks and processes to develop and implement growth opportunities within, and between organizations. Business developers create a long-term value for an organization from customers, markets, and relationships.

Solutions for Consultants

Built for the global Consultants community


Graypes brings together innovators and investors with a unique methodology and approach. Top business ideas and the innovative team are directly exposed to the global investment and funding community. The consultants can provide their expertise in building concrete and reliable business plans exposed to the investors.

easy access to global fertilizing funds

See how it works here at the Knowledge section

B2B Partnership

Through Graypes open networking, consultants can build business relations and B2B (Business To Business) affiliations with other Graypes community members.

True B2B Networking, partnership and affiliation

See how it works here at the Knowledge section

Knowledge Search Engine

Consultants get answers to business and innovation related questions, with a textual layout similar to a business plan

search engine with content and meaning

See how it works here at the Knowledge section

News Aggregator

The most globally updated news aggregator on innovation, science and funding.

News around the globe with targeted content

See how it works here at the Knowledge section

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John from Switzerland, just updated the Elevator Pitch.