NOV 30


Graypes GmbH refuses crypto

Updated 2021 Report:

Crypto 1.0, Ponzi of Gen-Z


Wed, November 30, 2022



LinkedIn News

Graypes GmbH refuses crypto payments
Updated 2021 Report: Crypto 1.0, Ponzi of Gen-Z

Updated News

Exactly one year ago, on November 2021, some prominent VCs proposed to us at Graypes GmbH the creation of a cryptocurrency pool of funds investing in talented FinTech teams. Around that same period, a significant number of startups were requesting to get funded in crypto or pay for our services in crypto.


At that time, cryptos were ballistic with BTC at +$65K, ETH at almost $5K, and TikTok full of carefree youth videos riding the Lamborghinis and the Maseratis, as their valuable trophies from crypto trading.

In Grapes our specialty is to assess and score businesses, and it was then the right time to have a closer look at that chicken with the golden eggs named cryptocurrency.

On December the 6th, we distributed an internal memo entitled: "Crypto 1.0 is the Ponzi of the Gen-Z's" and to make the long story short, we categorically refused to get involved in cryptocurrencies for mainly three reasons:

1. You can buy absolutely nothing with crypto!

2. Cryptos have a strong monopolistic distribution among a few "accounts".

3. Crypto trading is heavily controlled by automated bots!

In that memo, we presented a set of well-documented pieces of evidence supporting that we are about to experience the .crypto bubble, at the same magnitude as the .com (the year 2000) and the .bank (the year 2008) collapses.

We defined this current cryptocurrency period as the baby steps of the decentralized currencies, code-named Crypto 1.0.

We predict that the next step will be the Crypto 2.0 era, primarily dominated by the CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) at the "price" of reduced individual monetary freedom.

And finally, we foresee the Crypto 3.0, a totally decentralized payment ecosystem combining self-correcting institutional regulations, and incentives economic mechanisms!

Meanwhile, fasten your seat belts and Cash is the King!

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John from Switzerland, just updated the Elevator Pitch.