NOV 02


Olive-X-Press and Strauss.

The Nespresso of olive oil,

top rated by Graypes engine.


Mon, November 2, 2020


Tel Aviv

Product Info

Olive-X-Press, joint venture with Strauss

Updated News

Olive-X-press, the Nespresso model of olive oil, and already top-rated by our Graypes evaluation engine, has signed a joint venture market evaluation with the food giant Strauss.


Olive-X-Press is the world's first, innovative and patented olive oil household countertop press, using high quality freshly harvested olives in a capsule patented technology for extending the shelf life of olives.

With this agreement, the food giant Strauss will become the first global evaluator of Olive-X-Press' press and capsules from the 2021 production of 15 tons of premium olives and the proprietary production of 6'000 to 8'000 250CC fresh olive oil bottles! 

Olive-X-Press will sell globally to households, restaurants, chefs, local distributors worldwide, retailers through online stores, retail channels, and B2B, addressing a global market of at least USD 7.83 billion.

Olive-X-Press has already raised USD 2.5M and is now fundraising USD 2.5M for Beta Hardware Prototype final evaluation, production, and global business expansion.

If you are an Investor, you can read the full business plan and details, for this new funding opportunity by enrolling for free at Graypes GmbH.

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